With Facebook Pages, Who Needs a Website? Seriously, think about it. One of the major fears of any website owner or designer/admin is that "Once my site is made, How soon can I expect to generate traffic to the website?" OR "Once my website is made, HOW do I generate traffic to my website(s)"
That is one thing that really rocks about Facebook. Generating traffic has never been easier (as long as the visitors are kept on Facebook itself). As long as a publisher can produce rich content, there really are no limits as to the kind of traffic that he/she can potentially generate - owing to the fact that Facebook is infectiously viral.
The virality of FB stems from the following :
Facebook official stats state that an average registered user on Facebook has an avg of 130 friends on his list.
Any action taken by a user, automatically updates all his friends "Home" pages. So one update to 100 fans, has the potential of reaching a minimum of 13,000 users. And this is with only ONE update!! Imagine something like a Zoozoo page, no wonder they have 500k+ Fans
Facebook pages allow a lot of rich media to be uploaded/updated with complete ease. Without any knowledge of HTML/JS or any other CMS interface.
Creating custom tabs on your Facebook pages can never be easier. A little HTML & photoshop, you can build a custom tab in no time. Lets face it, looking at even a simple colorful image on a custom tab is so much better than continuosly focusing on the drab Page wall...
On a website, visitors come for only 2 reasons. They have some actions that have to be taken on the website OR they come looking for information. Visits attributed to actions to be taken are a safe bet, but around 90% of the time, these visits will be from repeated visitors. When unique visits drop (a very dangerous sign), this can mean that either the Website is not Search Engine Optimized or the content just simply sucks...
But people visit facebook for a multitude of reasons & actions to be performed. Where a site admin fits into this orgy of information depends on how he/she can attract the target and retain users. (with content, updates, contests, prizes, etc.)
Once a fan, you will have your repeated visitor, and using this fan, you can effortlessly generate virgin traffic and drive 'virgins' to your page/tab/group, etc, etc, etc
Doing this with a website, can more often be very difficult even with all the social bookmarking tools.
You can also send bulk emails to your Fans for FREE and if you want to buy targeted ads you can do that too.
With all this in your favor with Facebook – Why would any business need a website anymore?