Friday, August 21, 2009

Download Torrents in Torrents

I think one of the most useful formats ever exchanged on the Internet (of course, besides all .exe's) is the '.torrent' file. I mean damn!, you can get absolutely anything you want.

Downloadable files can range from anything between Music artist's albums, installers, movies (in all possible formats), e-books, full-version video games (PC, PS, PSP, X-BOX).

It truly represents the democratic nature of the online community - For the Users, By the Users. No agencies are involved, no paperwork, no hassles and best of all - FREE!! All you'll ever need is an internet connection.
A Programmer Bram Cohen had designed the protocol in April 2001 and released its first implementation on July 2, 2001.
It is now maintained by Cohen's company BitTorrent Inc. There are numerous BitTorrent Clients available for a variety of platforms.

According to Isohunt - one of the major bittorrent sources, the total amount of shared content was more than than 1.7 Petabytes in 2008. (1 petabyte is = 1,000 Terabytes = 1,000,000 Gigabytes = 1,000,000,000 Megabytes)
A whole lot of ppl are after free stuff methinks,

Gladly, I'm one of them because right now I'm getting The Underworld trilogy, Transformers 2, Angels & Demons & GI Joe at the same time!!! Hooray for a Free World

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