Ajmal Kasab, accused in the 26/11 terror strike in Mumbai, said he met Lashkar-e-Toiba agent David Coleman Headley but retracted from his statement on his involvement in the attack. Kasab stated in court that he met Headley without even being prompted, reports said.
In a shocking U-turn however, he said he was made to confess on his role in the attack under torture!! I mean, what was he expecting?? The Mumbai Police to ask him questions at a beach resort with dancing girls??
Ajmal Kasab finally denied all charges brought against him, Kasab said he was forcibly made to confess.
The prosecution has finally wound up its case before the court which had fixed December 18 to record the Kasab's statement.
A total of 610 witnesses were examined against Kasab and two Indian accused-- Faheem Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed.
It took almost 2 and a half years to convict Saddam Hussein - labeled the "Butcher of Baghdad" who massacred 1000's and displaced more. It's already been over a year now since 26/11, and I don't see any blood spilled from the "Butcher of Mumbai", who in an international scenario is nothing more than a rat in the land of dinosaurs.
Which makes me think, it'd be better in the future if terrorists are caught anywhere else except for India. Because his every breath insults the survivors and the relatives of the dead....
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