Tuesday, August 18, 2009

GoGirl GO!!

This has to be one of the funniest contraptions that I have ever come across (besides of course - The Fleshlight - another really hilarious product for the really, really lonely guy)

The tagline states - "Don't take life sitting down"

The manufacturers define it as a FUD (Female Urination Device), whatever the fuck that is....
I'll agree its practical to an extent, but WTF??? Whats next, a trouser balloon for guys to pee in so that they don't have to use a crowded loo? Are women supposed to wear these things when they leave home, or carry it with them? If they carry it - wouldn't they need a loo to wear it or put it on?

A short description - This is too funny!!
"Only GoGirl is made with flexible, medical grade silicone. Dispose of it after use. Or clean and reuse as you like. (Urine is sterile, but the product can come into contact with contaminates during use, so take precautions when cleaning.) Our patented splash guard eliminates messing and spilling. Once you practice a time or two, using a GoGirl is going to feel like second nature. You won’t be like a man. You’ll just pee like one."

I see 3 funny things with this :
1st - Dispose or reuse pee stained silicon?? Damn these guys are disgusting
2nd - SPLASH GUARD!!! In case it turns into a wave pool in there...
3rd - You'll pee like a man?? Why would any self-respecting woman wanna pee like a man for $7.00??

Get the full lowdown here at the GoGirl Website

Just usage of excess silicon methinks, women seem to be consuming more of it than Intel (read Pamela & Jessica Simpson)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it should come with a belt holster, for quickdraws.

I think it will be a hit, especially with aunties in sarees.