Saturday, February 6, 2010

Optimization SEO Tips

In today's tough online competition, competitiveness is the first thing in mind. There is no room for procrastination. Any effective method when it can be done right away must be done right away.

Link building techniques involve complex tasks. But there are lots of SEO firms that can perform such tedious tasks for your convenience.

As visitors, we need links to go from one page to another. Links are used for traffic and organic results. All of the search engines have the same function - you type in a term and you get a relevant query. The algorithm that returns the results uses a variety of components.

Link popularity is one of the largest factors in determining rank. Link popularity = measure of quantity and quality of links. All the major search engines use link popularity in some format. It's considered an off-page factor because the value is determined by another page. If the link sits on your page, it's content.

Getting a link from popular blogs is one of the best ways of link building. Whenever you post a comment on a blog, there will be a Name field, and a website field. You can give the link of your website in the website field, and include link building keywords that you are targeting, along with your name. This will ensure a link towards your site from the blog, and the 'anchor' text will have your keyword as well.

Link popularity measures quality and quantity. You need links from authority sites. Anchor text should highlighy on page keyword phrases. PR has little effect on rank. Look for links from contextually relevant sites.

Every business, small or big, needs to establish its presence online. The best way to gain visibility in the eyes of the user is through search engine rankings. It is vital that your website ranks among the top pages in search engines, for a particular search term. This is where link building comes in.

The relevance factor behind link popularity - search engines read words around anchor text and throughout the page looking for on-topic and subject relevance. They want sites relevant to the query and thematically related.

Gain insights on how to increase pagerank. P2W2 will show you the techniques on how to get backlinks.

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