Sunday, May 2, 2010

Facebook tabs - Developing a Tab Internal Website

You can actually develop a mini 'tabbed' website within a Facebook fanpage tab using div ids to make content dynamic. Spent a lot of time researching this and was happy to see the final result. Although my design skills are crappy - I managed to put a few things together.

The only difference in this case I noticed between FBML and HTML (and/or JS) is that the onclick function is replaced by "clicktoshow" & the "clicktohide" attributes. Separating the static portion from the dynamic portion can be quite a tedious job when you try to incorporate image previews (which onclick expand to full view). The code gets a little too huge and the number of ids that have to be set 'to hide' increase exponentially.

All in all, I felt it was a great week for Facebook. All that left is for me to sort out my underdeveloped artistic streak - then maybe it'll be a whole new ball game

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